International Investing
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Smart Investing

Investors can’t afford to overlook mainland China A-Shares any longer


We may be in the Year of the Dragon, according to the Chinese lunar calendar, but the country’s three major stock markets have lost their roar.Yet recent setbacks could present an exciting buying opportunity.

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Smart investing

Smart Investing

Do I Regret Selling My Berkshire Hathaway Shares? They Would Be Worth Almost $2 Million Today

You might think I was disappointed with the performance of my stocks. But I wasn’t. Berkshire Hathaway, itself, made me a lot of money. Read more

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Smart Investing

If The US Election Causes The Dollar To Crash, Should You Hedge Your ETFs To The Euro or The Pound?


Many investors fear the US dollar will crash because of November’s US presidential election between Democratic incumbent Joe Biden and his Republican opponent Donald Trump.

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Investing Ideas

Investing Ideas

Swiss research under threat

Swiss research is the best in the world. But both the academic and economic sectors fear a downgrade if budgets aren’t revised higher and if Switzerland doesn’t partner more closely with Europe. We take a closer look...

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Investing Ideas

Interview: Joël Mesot, president of ETHZ

Created in 1855, the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) has become a leading institution. The president, physicist Joël Mesot, plans to defend this enviable position at all costs. We spoke to him to find out more...

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Wealth building

Wealth Building

How This Couple Built Wealth Without Sacrifice

John is a corporate executive in Dubai, where he moved to set up a better future for himself and his family.

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Wealth Building

Preventing Above-Average Salaries From Building Walls Instead of Bridges

If nobody could see our high-status things, would we still buy them? Without realizing it, projecting wealth often builds walls, not bridges.

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Beating the 4% Rule

This couple dared to defy the 4% rule and opt for a more flexible approach to retirement. It's backed by data and allows them to spend more in retirement. This might suit people keen to use flexibility and geographical arbitrage.…

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Why This European Retirement Destination Is A Longstanding Favourite

Worried that you might not have enough money for a great retirement? Savor the sweet taste of retirement (and a low cost of living) in this picturesque location.…

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